Full blown web frameworks are all inclusive solutions which can handle everything from user authentication to rendering the front pages. These were in existence for a long time and they become more and more feature rich on every new release. 42Square has worked with different types of frameworks ranging from CodeIgnitor, ExpressJS, NestJS, Laravel, and asp.net MVC to new kids in the block web frameworks like Go & Phoenix. `
NodeJS is the largest web frameowrk ecosystem in existence today. Typescript language brings the type safety feature in to the mix and thus NodeJS has become the go to choice for large maintainable projects.
We choose a web framework after analyzing the client/product requirements extensively. Often the requirements grows at later stages and we might adapt a Microservice system with different frameworks handling the areas of their strength.
We have experience with most of the top level languages like Typescript, Javascript, C#, Python, Go, Ruby and Elixir. This enable us to quickly assemble a well capable team to satisfy the product features and requirements.
What We Do
Project Management
Product Design (Web & Mobile)
Software Development
Quality Assurance
Infrastructure Management
Tech Stack
Backend & API
Frontend & Web Frameworks
Mobile Apps
Serverless Development
.Net Technologies
Sitecore Digital Experiences
Headless Stack
Auth & Security
Browser Plugin Development
Custom Search Engines
Hosting & Deployment
42Square Technologies
9th Floor, Transasia,
Infopark Phase II,
Kochi - 682303